Best Psychiatrist Near Me, Sheenie Ambardar MD
Sheenie Ambardar, MD
Concierge Psychiatrist

Anxiety Psychiatrist

Anxiety + Panic

Helping adults throughout California and New York experience more peace, happiness, joy, and vitality through Integrative Psychiatry, Holistic Psychotherapy, and Personal Coaching

Reach out today for a free 15-Minute Phone Consultation.

If you've been overwhelmed by worry, restlessness, or physical symptoms such as stomach upset, acid reflux, or headaches, you may want to consider seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety. Anxiety can manifest in many different ways and often makes it hard to relax, focus, sleep, and enjoy life's simple pleasures. It can be exhausting and isolating, but there is always hope.

As an award-winning psychiatrist with 16 years of experience successfully treating anxiety, Dr. Ambardar can help you find relief through a personalized combination of low-dose medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes. Together, we'll work to help you break free from anxiety's grip and rediscover a life filled with more calm, peace, and happiness.

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Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Now Serving California and New York
Dr. Sheenie Ambardar, MD is a Los Angeles-based Anxiety Psychiatrist who sees patients throughout California and New York via telehealth. Dr. Ambardar specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of adult men and women with Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, Panic Disorder, Binge-Eating Disorder, and a host of other common mental health concerns.
Are you experiencing any of these conditions? Concierge psychiatry may be the solution you need. At The Happiness Psychiatrist®, we address the root causes of these issues—and many more—as well as give you the resources to build a fuller, happier life.

Join us as we explore more about Anxiety, a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

Do I Need to See an Anxiety Psychiatrist?

Anxiety Psychiatrist
Anxiety can have many faces, including GAD, OCD, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, and PTSD

Anxiety can show up in many distinct ways and it can feel different for everyone. Maybe you're sitting in traffic or on the subway and suddenly your heart starts pounding and you can't catch your breath. Or perhaps you're lying in bed at night, exhausted, but your mind just won't shut off and you keep going over that awkward conversation you had with your boss earlier in the day. If these experiences sound familiar, seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety can help.

Some common signs of Anxiety include:

  • Worrying about everything and anything, even when there's no real reason to. You might find yourself stressing about your child's grades, even though they're doing just fine, or imagining worst-case scenarios about your health, even after the doctor gave you a clean bill of health.
  • Feeling wound up and on edge all the time, like you just can't relax. You might be snapping at your partner or your kids more often or finding it hard to sit still and focus at work.
  • Getting tension headaches, stomach aches, acid reflux, or muscle pain that just won't go away. It's like your body is holding onto all that stress and worry and it's starting to take a real physical toll.
  • Tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep or waking up in the middle of the night with your mind racing. Then feeling exhausted and groggy the next day, which just makes the anxiety even worse. A good psychiatrist can work with you on improving sleep when you're struggling with anxiety.

If any of this sounds familiar, know that there is hope. As an integrative and holistic psychiatrist, Dr. Ambardar will help you find the right combination of tools to manage your anxiety and start feeling like yourself again. Whether it's through psychotherapy, mindfulness practices, lifestyle changes, or medication, we'll work together to create a plan that's tailored to your unique needs and goals. You deserve to feel calm, centered, and in control of your life, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

What Does a Psychiatrist Do For Anxiety?

Developing a regular gratitude practice can help with anxiety

As a holistic psychiatrist, Dr. Ambardar's approach to treating anxiety is about looking at the whole person, not just their symptoms. We know that when you're struggling with anxiety, it can feel like it's taking over your entire life. You might be constantly on edge, worrying about things that you can't control, or feeling like you're trapped in a never-ending cycle of fear and doubt. Seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety can provide much-needed relief and support.

During our initial 75-minute consultation, the first thing Dr. Ambardar will do is listen. We want to hear your story, understand your unique experiences and challenges, and get a sense of what's been working (or not working) for you so far. From there, we'll work together to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Some of the things we might explore include:

  • Lifestyle factors: Dr. Ambardar may ask about your stress levels, sleep patterns, nutrition, and exercise habits. Sometimes, making small changes in these areas can have a big impact on your anxiety symptoms.
  • Medication: In many cases, medication can be a very helpful tool for managing anxiety symptoms. As an integrative psychiatrist, Dr. Ambardar will carefully consider the potential benefits and risks of different medication options and work with you to find the best fit for your individual situation.
  • Meditation and relaxation techniques: Practicing meditation, gratitude, journaling, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation can help you feel more grounded and centered, even in the midst of anxious thoughts or feelings. An anxiety psychiatrist can guide you in learning these techniques.
  • Therapy: Depending on your preferences and needs, we might explore different types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which can help you identify and challenge negative thought patterns, or Exposure Therapy, which can help you gradually face your fears in a safe and controlled way, ultimately reducing your anxiety level over time.
  • Complementary and alternative approaches: We're also open to exploring a wide range of evidence-based treatments, such as nutritional supplements and botanicals, if they feel like a good fit for you.

Throughout the treatment process, Dr. Ambardar will be there to support you, answer your questions, and help you navigate any challenges that come up along the way. Our goal is to empower you with the tools and strategies you need to manage your anxiety and live a more fulfilling, joyful life.

We know that seeking help for anxiety and seeing a psychiatrist can feel vulnerable and scary, but we want you to know that anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions and that it is very treatable.

What To Say To A Psychiatrist About Anxiety?

Anxiety Psychiatrist
If this is your first time in therapy or seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety, it can sometimes be hard to know what to talk about.

Opening up about your anxiety to a stranger can feel uncomfortable and overwhelming. You might be worried about how to put your feelings into words, or unsure of what details to share. We want you to know that our role is to create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can express yourself freely and get the support that you need.

When you see an anxiety psychiatrist, here are some things you might want to share:

  1. Your specific symptoms: Let the psychiatrist know what anxiety feels like in your body. Do you experience racing thoughts, a pounding heart, or difficulty breathing? Do you have trouble sleeping or find yourself clenching your jaw throughout the day?
  1. The impact on your daily life: Help the psychiatrist understand how anxiety is affecting your day-to-day functioning. Are you having trouble concentrating at work or school? Are you avoiding social situations or activities that you used to enjoy?
  1. Your triggers: If you've noticed certain situations, people, or places that tend to trigger your anxiety, let your psychiatrist know. This can help you and your psychiatrist identify patterns and develop specific coping strategies.
  1. Your thoughts and fears: Anxiety often comes with a lot of "what if" thinking and worst-case scenario fears. Don't be afraid to share these thoughts with your doctor, even if they feel irrational or embarrassing. The psychiatrist is there to listen without judgment.
  1. Your coping strategies: Let the psychiatrist know what you've been doing to try to manage your anxiety so far. This might include things like deep breathing, exercise, or talking to friends and family. Sharing this can help your psychiatrist build on what's working when treating your anxiety.
  1. Your support system: Speaking of friends and family, it can be helpful for the psychiatrist to know who you have in your corner. Who are the people you feel comfortable turning to when you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed?
  1. Your lifestyle: Factors like nutrition, caffeine/cannabis/alcohol intake, exercise, sleep, and stress management can all play a role in mental health. Let the psychiatrist know about your current habits and routines and they can help you explore ways to optimize your habits for better anxiety management.
  1. Your past experiences: If you've struggled with anxiety and other challenges in the past like abuse, trauma, depression, or disordered eating, these are important things for the psychiatrist to know. They can help us understand the context of your current symptoms and tailor a more effective anxiety treatment approach.
  1. Your treatment preferences: Let the psychiatrist know if you have any preferences or concerns when it comes to anxiety treatment options. For example, are you open to trying medication, or do you prefer to start with therapy and lifestyle changes first?
  1. Your goals: Finally, let the psychiatrist know what you're hoping to achieve through treatment. What would it look like for you to feel less anxious and more in control of your life? What activities or experiences do you want to be able to enjoy again?

Dr. Ambardar's job is to be your partner in this process. She's here to listen, offer guidance and support, and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that feels right for you. No detail is too small or too silly to share – if it's important to you, it's important to us.

So take a deep breath, know that you're in a safe and caring space, and let's start the conversation about your anxiety. Together, we can help you find relief, build resilience, and create a life that feels more manageable and peaceful.

The 6 Types of Anxiety Disorders a Psychiatrist Can Help With

When we talk about anxiety disorders, we're really talking about a spectrum of conditions that can cause significant distress and interfere with daily life.

While the specific symptoms may vary, all anxiety disorders share a common thread: a persistent, overwhelming sense of fear or worry that feels difficult to control. This can manifest in physical symptoms like a racing heart, sweaty palms, or difficulty breathing, as well as emotional symptoms like irritability, restlessness, or a sense of impending doom.

There are six main types of anxiety disorders that a psychiatrist can help treat:

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): If you have GAD, you might feel like you're constantly worrying about everything and anything – your job, your relationships, your health, even minor details like what to wear or what to eat. Your mind might feel like it's always racing, and you might have trouble relaxing or sleeping. You might also experience physical symptoms like muscle tension, headaches, or stomach problems.
  1. Panic Disorder: Panic attacks can feel like the most terrifying thing in the world. Imagine you're driving down the highway, and out of nowhere, your heart starts racing, your chest feels tight, and you feel like you can't breathe. You might start to feel dizzy or numb, and have a sudden urge to pull over and escape. Even when the attack passes, you might live in fear of the next one striking.
  1. Social Anxiety Disorder: If you have social anxiety, everyday interactions can feel like a minefield. You might be at a party, and spend the whole time worrying about whether people are judging your clothes or thinking you're boring. You might avoid dating because the thought of making small talk or eating in front of someone new makes your palms sweat and your throat close up. Seeing a psychiatrist for social anxiety can help you build up confidence in these social situations.
Anxiety Specialist Near Me
Whether you're struggling with panic attacks, OCD, or PTSD, seeing an anxiety psychiatrist can provide much-needed help and relief.

  1. Specific Phobias: Phobias are intense, irrational fears of specific objects or situations. If you have a phobia, you might go to great lengths to avoid the thing you fear, whether it's heights, public speaking, or flying on an airplane. When you're confronted with your phobia, you might feel panic, nausea, or a strong urge to flee. A common example of a specific phobia is a fear of needles, which may cause you to avoid necessary lab work, even if it means risking your health. An experienced psychiatrist can use techniques like gentle Exposure Therapy to help you gradually overcome specific phobias.
  1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD can make your own mind feel like a prison. You might have intrusive thoughts about harming others, even though you know you would never act on them. To cope with the anxiety, you might develop elaborate rituals, like tapping each doorknob seven times before leaving a room, or compulsively checking that the oven is turned off. Seeing a psychiatrist who specializes in OCD can be life-changing in helping you manage these troublesome thoughts and behaviors.
  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): PTSD can make the past feel like it's constantly intruding on the present. You might be grocery shopping and suddenly have a flashback to a traumatic event, complete with vivid sensory details. You might avoid watching certain movies or going to certain places because they remind you too much of what happened. Or you might feel constantly on guard, jumping at every loud noise, or have trouble sleeping or concentrating.

Get Help from an Integrative Anxiety Psychiatrist Today

The truth is, anxiety can be messy, confusing, and downright scary. But no matter what type of anxiety you're dealing with, we want you to know that you're not crazy, weak, or alone. Anxiety is a real, valid medical condition, and seeing a psychiatrist for anxiety is the first step in getting the treatment you deserve.

Dr. Ambardar is here to help you explore all the different tools and approaches that might work for you – whether that's therapy, medication, meditation, nutrition, or something else entirely. The most important thing is that we create a plan that feels right for you and your unique needs.

So if you're struggling with anxiety, please don't hesitate to reach out. We know it can be hard to take that first step, but there is hope and healing on the other side.

You deserve to feel calm, confident, and in control of your life – and we're here to support you every step of the way! 🦋

Begin Your Wellness Journey Today With an Award-Winning Anxiety Psychiatrist

Have you been struggling with Anxiety? Contact The Happiness Psychiatrist® today, and discover how integrative psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dr. Sheenie Ambardar can help you unlock your best, most balanced self through expert care, including:

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